The future of human hacking – 16/9/2021 @ 8pm (bst)

Jenny Radcliffe “The People Hacker”

Back from the second pandemic summer, and we have the incredible Jenny Radcliffe joining us live on Thursday 16th September at 8pm (bst). Jenny is going to give us all a lesson about social engineering/human hacking. How she got into to this space, why we should all be aware and will will explore the future for this all.

Don’t miss out, sign up and get a online ticket for the live stream now.

The future of entrepreneurship – July 15th (8pm bst)

July 15th we welcome Dr. Melanie Rieback Co-founder/CEO at Radically Open Security, to talk about a sustainable and ethical future for entrepreneurship. Post-growth entrepreneurship.

Don’t forget to grab a free ticket, subscribe to the Futurists Youtube channel and like our Facebook page.

The future of human values – 25th March 2021

In March, we were joined by Lianne Kerline, Senior Producer at BBC R&D in Salford to discuss the idea of Human Values and how they can inform the way we design products for people. In her talk, Lianne took us through the basics of what human values are and offered a view for how they can be translated into positive design practices. 

One of the most interesting observations Lianne makes is that while behaviour is observable and measurable, it does not always reflect the needs of the user. While behaviours can change quickly, values remain the same. This is a vital insight for designers because it means that the metrics they use to determine success criteria may not truly reflect the needs of their audience. Naturally, this is a big concern for public bodies such as the BBC but can have broader application in private businesses too. 

As ever, the talk is made available immediately after the YouTube Live event and you can catch-up with it here:

And, if you are still hungry for more, this month we have a wonderfully extended watch and read list. 


The Social Dilemma

The Great Hack 


Donut Econimics, Kate Raworth 

The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy, Mariana Mazzucato

Tiny Habits, BJ Fogg


Bento Society: 

Centre for Humane Tech: 

Our next Futurists Live event will be on April 15th (yes that’s today!) with Dr Jonathan Ashlong-Lampty discussing The Future of Diversity and Inclusion. Jonathan is the founder and managing director of Element Of Inclusion, a consultancy that helps businesses to design inclusive companies for the 21st century. His work takes him around the globe, researching trends for inclusivity and gathering case studies to inform the advice he gives. Jonathan also hosts The Element of Inclusion, a weekly podcast about applied learning and thought leadership.

You can find the event on Facebook here:

And you can take a look at our YouTube Channel here:

Don’t forget to give us a like and subscribe!